Draws the vertical grid lines based on the scale resolutions currently present in the dateline. The layer can be
configured to display 0 to 3 grid line levels (see GraphicsBase.setMaxGridLevel(int)). If the dateline is, for
example, showing days and weeks then a level of 2 would cause the layer to draw grid lines for days and weeks,
while a grid line level of 1 would only render grid lines for days.
Draws the vertical grid lines based on the scale resolutions currently present in the dateline. The layer can be configured to display 0 to 3 grid line levels (see GraphicsBase.setMaxGridLevel(int)). If the dateline is, for example, showing days and weeks then a level of 2 would cause the layer to draw grid lines for days and weeks, while a grid line level of 1 would only render grid lines for days.
```Dateline.getScaleResolutions(), GraphicsBase.getForegroundSystemLayers(), GraphicsBase.getBackgroundSystemLayers(),` GraphicsBase.getForegroundSystemLayer(Class), GraphicsBase.getBackgroundSystemLayer(Class)``