Use case example

From Desktop to Web Scheduling

Take a look at a migration example with the NEOS use case:
~ 400,000 lines of code
~ 300,000 resources
~ 3,500,000 reservations


  • The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) is the world’s largest alliance of public service broadcasters. It has 112 Member organizations in 56 countries and 31 Affiliates in Asia, Africa, and North America. It strives to ensure a sustainable future for public service media by providing excellent content, from news to sports to music. Eurovision Services is a company of the European Broadcasting Union.
  • Regarding Eurovision Services’ IT system situation, in 2017, the company decided to adopt a scheduling application coded in JavaFX (FlexGanttFX) to help its employees organize the distribution of broadcasts.
  • Following a project with a collaborator in 2021, Eurovision Services thought of updating its planning tool in order to anticipate the future of computer applications, the web. Aware of the certain future of web applications, the collaborators seized this opportunity to migrate to a JavaScript schedule, using ScheduleJS.


  • The challenge of this tool is to be more efficient in the allocation of the company’s resources. The planning application also makes it possible to limit the risks of manual modification of the distribution channels by anticipating the distribution of the latter.
  • The main challenge was to migrate the tool from JavaFX to JavaScript / Angular without changing the look and feel of the interface while improving the tool’s performance and ergonomics.
  • There were several issues to take into account when developing this scheduling application for Eurovision Services:
    • Constraint of managing a large amount of information at the same time.
    • Constraint of ergonomics of the computer tool.
    • Handling constraints for the users of the application.


  • The implementation of the solution allowed us to have an overview of the planning of resources and their availability. This was more complex before because of the tool’s difficulty in supporting the large number of resources available to Eurovision Services. Moreover, the migration of data to the ScheduleJS version took only 3 months, proving the efficiency of the teams.
  • The company was able to take advantage of the ScheduleJS team’s expertise to implement the solution as efficiently as possible while limiting the risks associated with this migration.
  • Eurovision Services was thus able to obtain the planning application it wanted thanks to:

→ The possibility of customization down to the pixel.

→ The technical expertise of the solution provider.

→ The quality of a service focused on the client’s expectations.

An adapted support.

hand clapping

The ScheduleJS Team

Our expert team was very efficient to migrate the application regarding of our expertise in both FlexGanttFX and ScheduleJS projects.

Our developers are highly skilled in TypeScript and Angular as well as in JavaFX, which allows them to quickly identify the time needed to migrate the entire schedule screen (+ other specific ones).

team settings